Sunday 17 July 2011

My family Joins the Conversation

Based on my posting of Monday, June 27, 2011 where Caribbean Catholics specific to the Archdiocese of Port of Spain were asked to Join the Conversation and answer several questions which would answer the second Pastoral Priority questions from our last Synod: How do we see ourselves? What forms our identity as Catholics? What is specific to Catholic culture?

Based on the release from the SIT (Synod Implementation team) we have chosen to submit answers for two FAMILY groups Under 30's which make up 3 kids from 8-14, and 42-45 which makes up 2 parents.

The conversation will be carried out among families, all parishes, all groups in the Church and will also further engage groups along lines of age to generate specific information from each group.

GROUP 1 - Under 30 year olds- (3 kids 8-14)

1. What things or practices do you most associate with being Catholic?
Going to Church
Praying to God/Jesus
Thinking of Jesus and doing what is right
The Bible and its messages
The Pope, priests, monks and nuns.
The Holy Spirit
The sign of the Cross
The Stations of the Cross
The Rosary
Giving and Sharing with others

2. What beliefs do you most associate with being Catholic?
God created the Universe
The Bible is true
One God in three persons
God sent His Son to save us from Sin
The Virgin Mary and her Immaculate conception
Good people go to heaven
That Saint Michael protect the church from Satan
Jesus is present in the Eucharist
The One Church

3a. What real life behaviours should we most associate with being Catholic?
Truth, honesty, compassion, modesty, respect for God, kindness, patience, love, faith, sharing. Helpfulness,

3b. How does this differ from reality?
Most people have at least one of these behaviours.

4. How do your practices, beliefs differ from those of other age groups?
They do not differ, because catholics from other age groups should practice and believe the same thing.
Some catholics who are older would have knowledge of more Catholic practices, beliefs and prayers.

5. What in your list is specific to Catholics in Trinidad and Tobago?

GROUP 2 - 31-45 year olds (2 parents)

1. What things or practices do you most associate with being Catholic?
Going to MASS
Requesting Intercession from the saints
Veneration of the Holy Eucharist
Celebration of Corpus Christi
Receiving Ashes on Ash Wednesday
Stations of the Cross for Lent
Easter triduum

2. What beliefs do you most associate with being Catholic?
Mary as Co-redemptor
Mary as mother of God
St Michael as protector of the Church

3a. What real life behaviours should we most associate with being Catholic?
Expressions of faith, hope, charity,
Going to church
Spreading the faith
Love and tolerance for each other
Love the sinner, hate the sin
Seeing Christ in everyone
Humilty before God - Confession

3b. How does this differ from reality?
Too many catholics do not go to church or confession, and are silent on matters of faith. It is easy to love the lovable and those who we find a challenge to love get ignored.

4. How do your practices, beliefs differ from those of other age groups?
Older people (over 65) tend to take things on faith and younger people (under 30) tend to look for reasons and explainations for our practices and beliefs.

5. What in your list is specific to Catholics in Trinidad and Tobago?
Not on the list, Siparia and Santa Rosa have festivals specific to Trinidad and Tobago.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the Music (songs, lyrics, instruments) of the mass are specific to the Caribbean Church. Parang is found throughout the spanish speaking church of the Caribbean... so I would not include it among the songs.
